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課程同意書 Consent Form


1. 白雁時尚氣功旨在 提倡全民養生,闡揚養生理念,以促進健康為前題。

2. 健康狀況告知義務與聲明:申請人已於入會前,自行與醫師確認無任何不適合運動或接受本會訓練課程之疾病。如有自身有疾病、潛在而未知的疾病、或重大疾病,申請人有義務誠實告知,如未誠實告知,願自負所有責任。

3. 著作權:同意遵守本會的著作、版權、智慧財產權。直播時不可錄影、側錄,翻版必究,協會有權利保留任何法律追訴權。

4. 個人資料之蒐集、處理及利用:申請人同意本會將蒐集、處理及利用所提供的個人基本資料,於本會舉辦的訓練(含線上與實體)、講座、活動等。 





1. 我清楚明白,我有責任在白雁自主健康管理學任何訓練或者團體活動自主練習中,自行判斷個人體能及身體健康狀況,有任何不適皆需休息,避免過度或勉強練習,並斟酌個人健康狀況,遵守本會之指導,自行決定是否參與活動。




1. Bai Yin Qigong aims to promote health management, to teach and expound philosophies and knowledge of health preservation and the importance of health management.

2. Health status declaration: The applicant confirms that he has sought seek medical advices from professional physicians and declare that he is suitable to participate in all the activities in these online courses. Applicant is obliged to notify the Association if he is treated in the past for or is currently being treated or is suffering from any of the major illnesses.

3. Copyright: Agree to adhere to the rules of the Association on the authorship, copyright and intellectual property of the Association. Audio recordings and video recordings of the courses are strictly prohibited during the live broadcast. Any reproduction of the Association’s material without consent will be prosecuted. The association reserves the right to retain any legal prosecution.

4. Collection, processing and use of personal data: The applicant consents for the Association to collect, process and use the personal data provided for training (including online and physical), lectures, events, etc. organized by the Association.

《Declaration of Rights and Obligations》

All information in Bai Yin Qigong live online teaching should not be a substitute to any of the medical treatments and/or medications that I am undergoing or shall undergo. Bai Yin Qigong does not provide medical or professional services and does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or relevance of any text, video, or audio contents. The content provided by the live online classes is not a diagnosis, treatment plan or recommendation of a specific action plan for your personal health. Please consult your medical advisor before using any recommendation (if any) by the Association.

I agree that during the live broadcast, Bai Yin Qigong will not be responsible for any liabilities, losses, injuries, damage, or when you decide to adopt any content suggested by Bai Yin Qigong. I agree to use the information provided at your own risk.

《Health Statement》

1. I am fully aware that I am responsible for my own physical fitness and at all times assess and monitor my own physical strengths, fitness, abilities and health conditions and not overexert and/or perform any improper techniques, exercises and/or physically exhausting activities and adhere to the guidance and instructions of the Association.

2. I am fully aware that I must immediately stop practice and forthwith seek medical attention and assistance in the event I experience and/or suffer any discomfort, pain, headache, bleeding, dizziness, vomiting, injury, shortness of breath, palpitations, angina, etc.

3. I am fully aware that the purpose of these online courses is to improve health conditions and is not a substitute to any medical treatment. And that I shall not stop and/or reduce the dosage of my medical treatments and/or medications I am undergoing or taking (if any), without any professional medical advice.



白雁時尚氣功: https://e-qi.org/




新加坡Whats App: +65-84193282

※ 上班時間:週一至週五 早上9:00-下午5:00


※ 白雁氣功官方Line@帳號(點擊加入) :https://lin.ee/1j8pp2q


